Corporate Headshots /
Company On-site Headshot Experience Sessions
Whether refreshing an old Meet the Team page or onboarding new employees, company on-site headshot experience sessions can be tailored to suit your needs.
Flexibility around staff availability.
Hold sessions across multiple offices.
Monthly or quarterly return visits for updates, missed or new employees.
Different images for Meet the Team pages and LinkedIn Profiles.
Save time and money by having an on-site session over individual headshot experiences.
Control your budget by deciding how many images per employee you need.
The On-site Headshot Experience delivers consistency and keeps you in control.
With limited shooting time, you decide how much time to allow each employee for their session. I’d recommend at least 15 to 20 minutes per employee; this gets them settled and makes them look natural, approachable, and confident in front of the camera.
Pre-shoot meeting to discuss set up, background, lighting, colour tone and image selection process.
Return visit set up matching for Meet the Team page consistency when working with missed or new employees.
Pre-shoot hints and tips on how employees can prepare for their session.
Full coaching throughout their sessions.
Prices from £50*/employee + images.
“Chris is an excellent choice if you are looking for professional images”
No images are included in the above session prices; you choose how many photographs you want when you tailor-make your on-site headshot experience. Additional images can be selected, subject to budget availability.
Images are selected using the process agreed upon in the pre-shoot communications.
Each selected image comes as a Retouched High-Resolution image suitable for print.
The retouching level is agreed upon during the image selection process.
Images come with a non-commercial use license.
Each image is supplied with a web-optimised version for online use and a square-cropped copy for posting on social media profiles.
*The Price per employee depends on the number of employees, offices, days to run the sessions, and whether future return visits are pre-booked.